Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Raz-Kids and SplashLearn my niece use to learn how read and solving math problem.I wish I could have use virtual sites to improve in my learning as they are helping kids with fun and growing interest in them to learn more but not all the places are available with these advance technology or virtual world. For me Virtual world is matter of interest as I really wanted to know more about this compartment. Surprisingly, I get to know a lot of involvement of virtual world and how important they are to improve our life. The New York Times published an article regarding the use of virtual world written by Cade Metz where the writer talk about how Dr. Jewell helping patients by using Virtual instrument to see their place of anxieties, patient's imagination as they are giving exposure therapy using V.R. Like the medical field it helping also on every sector of the life like- industrial, educational, economical , financial. The most important part is that it helping people with using virtual instruments and monitoring their activities and response as they can do a better learning process.
Virtual world, preparing a person to be in an artificial environment which is created with particular function to adjust with using their intelligence mentally and physically. People are getting in the technology with different criteria everyday and they are thinking it is the reality and by that mean getting used to with that. Which are affecting them with motion sickness which create health issues for them, creating a wall between the people who can afford these technology and who does not.
The Virtual reality will be very advanced with out any doubt. People will be really able to know unknown and surprising things which they really never know about. In the BOSS magazine Oculus Chief scientists predict about the future of Virtual reality by saying that the difference between virtual and real life will be really unclear by 2021. In that article they talk about that by 2030 people will be allowed us to experience the life of Mars. I also agree with that article as we never thought about today's situation of advanced technology neither we thought that we could experience the virtual reality and keep learning with artificial environment. Based on the assumption it really can be predicted that virtual world going to be more updated which is really beyond our expectation

Metz, Cade. “A New Way for Therapists to Get Inside Heads: Virtual Reality.” The New York
Times, The New York Times, 30 July 2017,


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