Twitter:Blog about Twitter

Twitter is a social sites helping people to communicate with world with their own preference with 140 character tweet recommendation.It is the field people can spread their news in very simple manner within few words. It is considered to be world best social media which helps more million people. More than one reasons worked behind the Twitter because of its good uses. The feature is that it let you post only few words in it sites which can be really simple but beneficial post.
Blackboard  is the reliable source for the students. this is the platform where student and instructor can communicate with each other without any boundaries. It's have several section where instructor can lead the way to the student they would like to prefer. Almost all the student in my educational institution are dependent on the Blackboard. The important spot in Blackboard is that it have "discussion Board" where student can share their thoughts and quarries. 
In my opinion Blackboard and Twitter both are a valuable source for student to communicates.And its help student to share their thoughts and ideas. But Twitter have some limitation of sharing their thoughts in limited words which can lead them in difficulties of sharing expression fully.
In an in class discussion student should be more careful with their wording in front of the other students and professors. It put student in a prepared way. In the Twitter people does not need to be more careful as its only expressing with few words. In my opinion Blackboard is more reliable then Twitter in case of educational purpose.


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