
Showing posts from March, 2020

Creativity and New Media

Creativity in the new media is really popular now a days. People developing and creating new themes and adding new version every day. Some times they are using those for inspiring, praising or giving people laugh, wonder or happiness. But can also say that people using their knowledge also on the negative side too as sometimes they are using those only for insulting, making fun or hurting them too. Like the other time I always focus on the bright side so I will try to focus on the positivity of this creativity in the social media. In the social media I saw several things which make laugh sometimes such as-memes. In the social media, internet meme is really popular nowadays. Sometimes these memes are made by one and spread by the internet by the other people through sharing. But nowadays it became more challenges, GIFs and Viral sensation from the simple image macros. As usual it is getting more creative in social media because they using their creativity in social media. Nowadays peop

HW Creativity

It is much better to know the interest of the customer and what is going on their mind throw the social media. I can say from my personal experience that most of the time I get recommendation form the social media about my desired products. Most of the time it pop up with the brand I reviewed earlier and with my preference.  From the opposite direction, it is really benefited for those who are doing the online business as they can grab the opportunity to know their customer by seeing their previous search and preferences. To be a great online provider it is important to be honest and transparent with the consumer. The more transparent is the provider they can earn more trust from their consumer. Moreover it can be good way to know what is in the mind of consumer by asking them the true review form the consumers. Through this a consumer can easily communicate with the provider and the relationship between them can be better than previous. By posting a video about the satisfaction and d

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Raz-Kids  and SplashLearn  my niece use to learn how read and solving math problem.I wish I could have use virtual sites to improve in my learning as they are helping kids with fun and growing interest in them to learn more but not all the places are available with these advance technology or virtual world. For me Virtual world is matter of interest as I really wanted to know more about this compartment. Surprisingly, I get to know a lot of involvement of virtual world and how important they are to improve our life. The New York Times published an article regarding the use of virtual world written by Cade Metz where the writer talk about how Dr. Jewell helping patients by using Virtual instrument to see their place of anxieties, patient's imagination as they are giving exposure therapy using V.R. Like the medical field it helping also on every sector of the life like- industrial, educational, economical , financial. The most important part is that it helping people with using virtu

Social Networking Sites

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is my most visited social sites so far. All of them are used for my social networking platform. Though I have more social networking platform like Whats app and Viber. But I usually use those 4 most of the time. Some of them helping me to know my friends, society, politics, economics and some of them help me to build up my career sites. Facebook, which is used to build up a continuous relationship as in this app people share their picture, videos and their interests too. One of the special features of the Facebook is that it helps to do the business too with new feature "market place" where people can easily buy and sell their products withe near by people. Instagram is a similar page like Facebook  but it much popular for its photo sharing and editing activities.For the similarities it is also used for marketing for the various products and communicating with the freiens. But mostly people use for its photo editing features.This is

Twitter:Blog about Twitter

Twitter is a social sites helping people to communicate with world with their own preference with 140 character tweet recommendation.It is the field people can spread their news in very simple manner within few words. It is considered to be world best social media which helps more million people. More than one reasons worked behind the Twitter because of its good uses. The feature is that it let you post only few words in it sites which can be really simple but beneficial post. Blackboard  is the reliable source for the students. this is the platform where student and instructor can communicate with each other without any boundaries. It's have several section where instructor can lead the way to the student they would like to prefer. Almost all the student in my educational institution are dependent on the Blackboard. The important spot in Blackboard is that it have "discussion Board" where student can share their thoughts and quarries.  In my opinion Blackboard and T

Blog Social networking

Morning starts with G-mail and Facebook notification every single day for almost everyone.We can forget anything at home but not our phone as we have to check our phone to know what is going on in the internet.With the demand of our expectation different types of software companies are developing their software to be more authentic. New technologies are inventing so rapidly that it became our daily routine to start it with it. Even though I talked about the G-mail and Facebook earlier it is not bounded with only those two sides, there are more apps with different and unique specialties.Corporate and industries or any other professions using the new technology to make it easier to accomplish their targets. And it is also saying people who adopt with new technologies faster than other are really capable to bring success and easy going with advance environment. The benefits of technology will not be finished in one essay because everything is wrap up with this modern era with the technol